iCrop – Gestão de Irrigação

Illustration of the iCrop Company logo.

More than managing irrigation, we guarantee results

Through the experience and knowledge of our specialists, we will understand the reality of your irrigated area and present a plan focused on the issues below, which can generate savings in water and energy, on average, of 30%.

Illustration of green number 1 with rounded edges in a list format.
Am I irrigating at the right quantity and using the best strategy for the crop?
Illustration of green number 2 with rounded edges in a list format.
Am I being energy efficient for irrigation? How to optimize?
Illustration of the green number 3 with rounded edges in a list format.

Is the irrigation depth of my pivot adequate?

Illustration of green number 4 with rounded edges in a list format.

Is my team prepared to make the best irrigation decision?

Let's go

Our differential

Our professionals have more than 15 years of experience in irrigated agriculture. Through this specialized knowledge, we can customize the service to the reality of each producer, ensuring more efficient management, optimizing resources and producing more.

We deliver much more than irrigation recommendations for your property. In addition to the precision that our platform offers through data intelligence, with information on the soil, climate and crop, and the knowledge of our team of experts, we are prepared to answer your questions and solve demands that are part of the daily routine of your farm. This set of actions directly influences your results.

Some common questions our experts solve:

Visual representation of the cycle of the evolution process of the results achieved during the harvest, illustrating the steps from the beginning to the final result.
Illustration of green number 1 with rounded edges in a list format.

Diagnostics and Implementation

Illustration of green number 2 with rounded edges in a list format.

Irrigation Decision

Illustration of the green number 3 with rounded edges in a list format.


Presentation of reports with the results achieved during the harvest, detailing productivity gains and resource savings.
Illustration of black number 1 with rounded edges, green background in list format.

Diagnosis and Implementation

The first step after contracting is implementation. This beginning of the process is divided into essential steps to know exactly the current situation of everything that involves irrigation management, and also to make all the necessary adjustments.
E N E R G Y     C O N S U M M E
P L A T F O R M    I C R O P
A N D   C L I M A T E   D A T A
Illustration of green number 2 with rounded edges in a list format.

Irrigation Decision

The visits of our specialists, with technical support and field presence, ensure efficient irrigation management and reinforce our commitment to the best results. The visits also favor a close look and careful analysis of:

To ensure results, everything must be recorded and evaluated.

Illustration of black number 3 with rounded edges, green background in list format.

Presentation of results

At the end of the cycle, we present how the whole process was conducted:

contact us

Illustration of a black lightning icon on a rounded green background

Harvest and energy consumption report

Illustration of a black drop icon on green rounded background.

Irrigation decisions and strategies used during the season

Illustration of a black gear icon on green rounded background.

Equipment gains, operational efficiency, and water application

Points program

We are partners of major agribusiness companies that, just like us, are close to the largest Brazilian producers.

Our partnership with these companies allows you to accumulate points that can be exchanged for our services. Talk to your suppliers and find out how the points program works and the conditions for participating in it. And, if you are already our client, you can also redeem your points for services already contracted. Contact our commercial team. More benefits at no cost to you.

Logo of Orbia, a partner and collaborating company, recognized for its contribution and involvement with the project or initiative in question.
Logo of Syngenta, a partner and collaborating company, recognized for its contribution and involvement with the project or initiative in question.
Logo of BASF, a partner and collaborating company, recognized for its contribution and involvement with the project or initiative in question.